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Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine ("TCM") is an integral part of Chinese culture. It has made great contributions to the prosperity of China. Today both of TCM and western medicine are being used in providing medical and health services in China. TCM, with its unique diagnostic methods, systematic approach, abundant historical literature and materials, has attracted many attentions from the international community. TCM is well recognized for its remarkable effectiveness in setting the side effect caused by the toxic and chemical treatment of cancer cases in the western medical system.

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Advantages of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine

TCM delivers effective means of treatments for a wide range of chronic conditions, including pain management, arthritis, obesity, Bell's palsy, chemo-resistant late stage cancer, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, chronic fatigue and stroke rehabilitation. It also helps patients to improve their lifestyle to prevent diseases.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has the advantages as followed:

  • Predicting occurrence, nature, trends of diseases is unique for the Practicability of TCM
  • Not only preventing diseases, but also paying attention to health care
  • Traditional non-drug therapy can be used in health care and treatment, which is unique of TCM
  • TCM specializes in treatment of chronic diseases, geriatric diseases and incurable diseases
  • The largest advantage of TCM is to treat acute diseases and prevent Exogenous Heat
  • TCM is simple, inexpensive, safe and durable

The TCM has built its reputation throughout the long history of China on its uniqueness and holistic approach. The whole world can benefit from its comprehensive and integrated care for wellness as well as treatment for future intractable disease.

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Excellent TCM therapy performed at Shanghai hospitals

TCM has been very effective in the treatment of diseases such as cardio-cerebro-vascular, immunogenic, tumors, bone fracture, etc. Scientific research and clinic experiments in TCM are continuously progressing. Successes have been made in many of the areas such as in circulating paths of meridians; in Zheng-syndrome, in diagnostic indexes; in therapeutic principles, in healing emergency patients with shock, acute DIC, acute myocardial infarction and acute renal failure. For treatment of bone fracture, method is adopted based on the theory of combination of mobilization and immobilization. Non-antibacterial compound prescriptions are used successfully in treatment of bacterial infection. In treatment of cancers, Fuzheng Guben compound prescriptions, though devoid of inhibitory effects on cancer cells could cause the shrink of the mass of cancer. TCM provides a non-surgical approach to the treatment of acute abdomen.

Treatment of Cardio-Cerebro-Vascular

CHD (Coronary heart disease)

Name: Mary

Date of Birth: 1957

Occupation: municipal employee

Country: UK

Diagnosis: CHD (Coronary heart disease)


Mary was diagnosed with CHD in August 5, 2007. Within two years, she has precordial pain, palpitations, chest tightness, and nearly a week increase.

The patient was hospitalized two years ago because of chest pain, palpitations, chest tightness, was diagnosed as coronary heart disease was discharged after one month the treatment improved. Nearly a week because of household chores which made her angry, her disease recurred. Review ECG report: ST segment changes, suggesting myocardial ischemia. TCM diagnosis: thoracic obstruction. Western diagnosis: angina pectoris.

Prescription: Astragali 30g, Chinese angelica 15g, root of rehmannia 10g, peach kernel 15g, safflower 15g, Fructus 15g, Radix 20g, Ligusticum wallichii 15g, Campanulaceae 10g, Bupleurum 10g, Achyranthes 20g, Toosendan 10g, Turmeric Root-tuber 10g, licorice 10g, 7 doses, three times a day, simmered in water. In addition, nursing and attention to rest and not engage in vigorous physical activity, diet dominated by light.

Further consultation: After taking the former medicine, precordial pain, chest tightness, shortness of breath are all reduced, but with a slight abdominal distension and less sleep soundly. So remove Turmeric Root-tuber, add bergamot 10g, fossil fragments 30g. Nursing and focus on regulating emotion, not too excited about grief, other suggestions with the former.

Third consultation: the absence of precordial pain and other symptom disappeared.

Cardio-Cerebro-Vascular diseases such as Angina pectoris, Myocardial infarction, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia and other so-called urban diseases, rich man's disease is caused by unhealthy lifestyles and an urban people's own long-term accumulation of improper conditioning, and finally concentrated reflection for the outcome. Once got the heart and Cardio-Cerebro-Vascular diseases, in fact, cannot be cured, doctors can do is to improve the physical condition. Chinese medicine has a better method of preventing the disease to help the patient long-term recuperation, moving from the ailment.

Treatment of Immunogenic Diseases

Behcet's disease

Name: Aislinn

Date of Birth: 1983

Occupation: designer

Country: UK

Diagnosis: Behcet's disease


Aislinn is a young lady who has been worked as a designer for several years. In recent years, she has always been sitting in front of the computer for long-term overload of work. So her immunogenic system has been disturbed. She said she is always suffered from dental ulcer. The experts consultation and concluded from her health check and symptoms that Aislinn got a kind of immunogenic disease, named Behcet's disease

According to the description, for several months, Aislinn's symptoms have been relieved. But the doctor suggested that Aislinn should take care of her health, adjust her life and work, and do more physical exercises, also should take the Chinese herbal medicine for a long period to balance her body nature.

Chinese medicine has small toxicity, good effect, and cyan be taken for long-term. Most patients suffering the immunogenic diseases need to take medicine all their life, but the western medicine, such as Hormone, Cyclophosphamide, Methylamine neopterin have huge side effect, which is not suitable for taking for long-term. Also Chinese herbal medicine has the effect of , and can overcome the increase of infection of immunosuppressant and induced tumor.

Treatment of Tumors

Lung Cancer

Name: Kenny

Date of Birth: 1957

Country: US

Diagnosis: Lung Cancer


Kenny has chest tightness and coughed for two years, nearly a month more seriously cough accompanied with chest pain.

Through a acquaintance introduction, he went to Shanghai for TCM therapy. The hospital confirmed his disease after taking CT which showed a shadow on his lung.

After taking 6-month Chinese herbal medicine and western medicine, he did not cough again and did not feel pain in his chest. And after one year the tumor on his lung disappeared.

Cooperate with the western medicine, TCM reduce the toxicity to the human body. And TCM is based on the overall human body, not only treat the tumor, but also adjust the internal human body.

If you are considering argon-helium knife cryosurgery therapy in China and would like to get know more information about argon-helium knife cryosurgery therapy, please complete the inquiry form or email us hq@1uchina.com

Theory and Diagnosis of Traditional Chinese Medicine

TCM appeared in the ancient China as far as in the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine (compiled in about 475 to 221 B.C.) - believed to be the earliest medical monograph of China, for about over 3000 years of experience.

Basic Theory

Traditional Chinese Medicine

TCM practices include such treatments as Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, dietary therapy, and both Tui na and Shiatsu massage. Qigong and Taijiquan are also closely associated with TCM. Major theories include: Yin-yang, the Five Phases, the human body Meridian/Channel system, Zang Fu organ theory, six confirmations, four levels, etc.

TCM believes that the human body is a small universe unto itself that is a complex system of subsystems of energy and matter, and that these systems work together to maintain a healthy human mind and body. The characteristics of the operation of the system/subsystems of the human mind/body are described in terms of the five elements (metal, water, wood, fire and earth), Ying/Yang organs, deficiency/excess, emptiness/fullness, hot, cold, wind, dampness, pathogenic factors, internal/external, meridian channels, chi (several different types), essences, body fluids, vessels and more.

The body concept in TCM is based on a functional description of human mind/body processes, as opposed to discrete tissues, or specific organic compounds. As a result of using this functional approach to describing the processes of the human mind/body it is possible to treat the entire human mind and body not just the mind or just the body through the therapies available in this system.

Meridians System

Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Chinese medicine, invisible pathways in the body that circulate the flow of blood and, link the individual to cosmic forces or influences, protect the body against external causes of disease, and regulate the yin/yang balance.

Chinese medicine practitioners usually take use of human body points through fire cupping, acupuncture and so on to treat the patients. It is one of the most important part of TCM

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine


Traditional Chinese MedicineFollowing a macro philosophy of disease, traditional Chinese diagnostics are based on overall observation of human symptoms rather than "micro" level laboratory tests. There are four types of TCM diagnostic methods: observe (望 wàng), hear and smell (闻/聞 wén), ask about background (问/問 wèn) and touching (切 qiè).The pulse-reading component of the touching examination is so important that Chinese patients may refer to going to the doctor as "Going to have my pulse felt."

  • Palpation of the patient's radial artery pulse (pulse diagnosis) in six positions
  • Observations of patient's tongue, voice, hair, face, posture, gait, eyes, ears, vein on index finger of small children
  • Palpation of the patient's body (especially the abdomen, chest, back, and lumbar areas) for tenderness or comparison of relative warmth or coolness of different parts of the body
  • Observation of the patient's various odors
  • Asking the patient about the effects of their problem
  • Anything else that can be observed without instruments and without harming the patient
  • Asking detailed questions about their family, living environment, personal habits, food diet, emotions, menstrual cycle for women, child bearing history, sleep, exercise, and anything that may give insight into the balance or imbalance of an individual

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Excellence for methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine

TCM is defined as a medical science governing the theory and practice of traditional Chinese medicine. It includes Chinese medication, pharmacology/herbalogy, acupuncture, massage and Qigong. The following methods are considered to be part of Chinese medicine.


(from the Latin word acus, "needle", and pungere, meaning "prick") is a technique in which the practitioner inserts fine needles into specific points on the patient's body. Usually about a dozen acupoints are needled in one session, although the number of needles used may range anywhere from just one or two to 20 or more. The intended effect is to increase circulation and balance energy (Qi) within the body.



"Moxa," often used in conjunction with acupuncture, consists in burning of dried Chinese mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) on acupoints. "Direct Moxa" involves the pinching of clumps of the herb into cones that are placed on acupoints and lit until warm. Typically the burning cone is removed before burning the skin and is thought, after repeated use, to warm the body and increase circulation. Moxa can also be rolled into a cigar-shaped tube, lit, and held over an acupuncture point, or rolled into a ball and stuck onto the back end of an inserted needle for warming effect.


Chinese food therapy (食疗/食療)

Chinese food therapy (食疗/食療)It is a practice of healing using natural foods instead of medications. Dietary recommendations are usually made according to the patient's individual condition in relation to TCM theory. The "five flavors" (an important aspect of Chinese herbalism as well) indicate what function various types of food play in the body. A balanced diet, which leads to health, is when the five functional flavors are in balance. When one is diseased (and therefore unbalanced), certain foods and herbs are prescribed to restore balance to the body.

The following is a list of common food classifications:

rough translation related symptoms/effects examples cures
dry fire (yang) causes dryness of skin, chapped lips, nose bleed etc. chili pepper, deep fried food, beef jerky, lychee. any yin or cooling food
wet heat (yang) causes mouth sore, urinary burning etc. probably due to the acidity or alkalinity. mango, pineapple, cherry. chrysanthemum, sugar cane (竹蔗), Imperata arundinacea (茅根), Prunella vulgaris L. (夏枯草)
cold cooling (yin) causes dizziness, weakness, pale or green face (low oxygen level in blood) etc. watermelon, cantelope, honeydew and certain kinds of melon-type fruits or vegetables, green tea. any boosting or dry fire food
blocking cause indigestion, stomach gas etc. all fibrous food, e.g. yam, chestnuts. haw (fruit 山楂), malt (麥芽)
poisoning causes pus or swelling in wound, outbreak of acnes, hemorrhoid etc. duck, goose, bamboo shoot, all shellfish. abstinence at outbreak
greasy causes gastric upset, runny stool, outbreak of acnes etc. all greasy food, e.g. bacon etc. abstinence at outbreak.
clear cooling mild yin type that counteract the dry fire type. Also listed as yin when overused. beer, lettuce, sugar cane (竹蔗), Imperata arundinacea (茅根), American ginseng. not needed if not overused
nourishing moisturizing, soothing apple, pear, fig, winter melon, longan, 淮山, lotus seed, lily bulb etc. not needed
boosting replenishes blood and Qi. Also listed as dry fire when overused. Mutton, snake, wild games, beef, red dates (紅棗). not needed if not overused
vigorating circulating blood and Qi. red wine, Korean ginseng. not needed
generating, strengthening improves various internal functions various not needed

Chinese herbal medicine

Chinese herbal medicineIn China, herbal medicine is considered as the primary therapeutic modality of internal medicine. Of the approximately 500 Chinese herbs that are in use today, 250 or so are very commonly used. Rather than being prescribed individually, single herbs are combined into formulas that are designed to adapt to the specific needs of individual patients. A herbal formula can contain anywhere from 3 to 25 herbs. As with diet therapy, each herb has one or more of the five flavors/functions and one of five "temperatures" ("Qi") (hot, warm, neutral, cool, cold). After the herbalist determines the energetic temperature and functional state of the patient's body, he or she prescribes a mixture of herbs tailored to balance disharmony. One classic example of Chinese herbal medicine is the use of various mushrooms, like reishi and shiitake, which are currently under intense study by ethnobotanists and medical researchers for immune system enhancement. Unlike Western herbalism, Chinese herbal medicine uses many animal, mineral and mineraloid remedies, and also uses more products from marine sources.

Chinese herbal medicine

Fire Cupping (拔罐)

A type of Chinese massage, cupping consists of placing several glass "cups" (open spheres) on the body. A match is lit and placed inside the cup and then removed before placing the cup against the skin. As the air in the cup is heated, it expands, and after placing in the skin, cools down, creating a lower pressure inside the cup that allows the cup to stick to the skin via suction. When combined with massage oil, the cups can be slid around the back, offering what some practitioners think of as a reverse-pressure massage.

Fire Cupping (拔罐)

Tai chi chuan

It is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for both its defense training and its health benefits. It is also typically practiced for a variety of other personal reasons: its hard and soft martial art technique, demonstration competitions, and longevity. As a consequence, a multitude of training forms exist, both traditional and modern, which correspond to those aims. Some of tai chi chuan's training forms are especially known for being practiced at what most people categorize as slow movement. Today, tai chi has spread worldwide.

Tai chi chuan

Tui na (推拿) massage

A hands-on body treatment that uses Chinese taoist and martial art principles to bring the body to balance. The principles being balanced are the eight principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The practitioner may brush, knead, roll/press and rub the areas between each of the joints (known as the eight gates) to open the body's defensive (wei) chi and get the energy moving in both the meridians and the muscles. The practitioner can then use range of motion, traction, massage, with the stimulation of acupressure points and to treat both acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions, as well as many non-musculoskeletal conditions

Tui na (推拿) massage
Tui na (推拿) massage

If you are considering argon-helium knife cryosurgery therapy in China and would like to get know more information about argon-helium knife cryosurgery therapy, please complete the inquiry form or email us hq@1uchina.com

Shanghai Famous Hospitals and Experts for TCM

In China, TCM is under the administration of State Administration of TCM and Pharmacology. National strategies, law and regulations governing TCM are now in place to guide and promote the research and development in this promising industry. Hospitals in China are classified as specialized in western medical system, TCM or both. TCM is now available to 75% of the areas in China. Shanghai now occupies the leading position in the domestic TCM development.

Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Yueyang Hospital is a national priority, Level-3A comprehensive hospital of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine. It is one of the attending medical unit designated by Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau.

Features sections:

  • National key specialties: Medicine Hematology, Gynedology, Puncture
  • Shanghai key specialties: Gout, GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease

Shanghai TCM-Integrated Hospital

Traditional Chinese Medicine

STCMIH is a comprehensive hospital featured in the combination of Western medicine with Chinese medicine.

Features sections: Vas, Asthenic bulbar paralysis, Chorionitis

Longhua Hospital Shanghai University of TCM

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Longhua Hospital Shanghai University of TCM is one of the first batch of four major clinical bases, ten large comprehensive hospitals and national large-scale integrated medicine hospital.

Features sections: Surgery, Tumour, Biliary tract, Nephropathy, Neurology, Respiration internal medicine, Ano-intestine, Male Urogenitla, Rheumatism, Gastroenteropathy, Rachiopathy, Hepatopathy

Shanghai Shuguang Hospital

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Shanghai Shuguang Hospital is one of ten general hospitals in Shanghai. In 1993, it was rated as “Level-3A Hospitals” by the National Ministry of Health, and in 1994, it was appraised as " National Demonstration Chinese medicine hospital "

Features sections: Hepatopathy, Osteopathy and Arthropathy, Gastropathy, Nephropathy, Diabetes, Apoplexy, Ano-intestine.

Shanghai Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine

SMHTCM is a top-class hospital of TCM and one of the affiliated hospitals of Shanghai University of TCM

It is a Level-3A hospital with strong Chinese Medicine characteristic, complete clinical departments and plenty of medical talents.

Features sections:Anhypnia, Neurology, Child anorexia, Cazenave's lupus, Protrasion of the lumbar intervertebral disci.

If you are considering argon-helium knife cryosurgery therapy in China and would like to get know more information about argon-helium knife cryosurgery therapy, please complete the inquiry form or email us hq@1uchina.com

Six Don't before receiving the TCM

Don't make-up

Whether the patients have swollen eyelids, bags under the eyes, or how the lips, nail colors are, please don’t make up any more. Doctors should diagnose patients by seeing your "true colors". And don’t wipe rouge, lipstick, eye socket painting, polish nails, which will cover up the disease.

Don't eat the food or drugs easily dyed fur

The food such as milk, soy, bayberry, coffee, orange will change the fur color; drinking hot drinks, alcohol and eating hot pepper before visits will make the tongue red and reduce coating on the tongue.

Don't use strong odor of items

Don’t take food such as onions, garlic, citrus, gum, alcohol, etc., as well as spray pungent perfume which will cover up illness.

Don't do strenuous exercise

Pulse diagnosis is an important means of Chinese medical consultation. Before the visit, patients should keep calm and avoid feeling irritable and doing strenuous exercises which will affect the palpation.

Don't change doctors frequently

The treatment of many diseases needs time, and frequent replacement of medical treatment will only lead to duplication. For common chronic diseases, after 1-2 month treatment without noticeable effect, you can elect to consider the doctor. But be sure to save the past medical records or prescriptions about your therapy.

Don't follow the previous prescription or someone else's prescription

Some people believe that the disease is cured and can keep the prescription for future use when symptoms recur. Also some patients see other people's illness are similar with theirs, they will quickly use others’ prescription. These two ways are both wrong. Herbalist doctors attach great importance to the physical differences between individuals, the disease cause, time, location and expression, so prescriptions are different. Unless the doctor allows, please do not follow the previous prescription, or other prescription.

If you are considering argon-helium knife cryosurgery therapy in China and would like to get know more information about argon-helium knife cryosurgery therapy, please complete the inquiry form or email us hq@1uchina.com

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