Shanghai 1st plastic surgery hospital is one of the large scale and advanced facilities, elegant environment,first-class technology plastic hairdressing hospital. Hospital in cosmetic,beauty of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), laser, beauty and features oforal health, introduce advanced cosmetic surgery and oral medical equipment,and we haveprofessional purification operating room, the inpatient wards bright andcomfortable environment. At the same time, the hospital carried out a lot ofdifficulty and high-tech, refined technology to the development and training ofcosmetic plastic surgery, many academic exchanges at home and abroad made our cosmeticsurgery at a professional level.
D1---- travel
Visit qibao ancienttown
Back to the hotel
Explain about thecheck-up
Enjoy the special snackat qibao south road
Accommodation: Hongqiao International Club
Catering: dinner
Ant-aging injection
VisitThames Town
Nocturne in Shanghai
Accommodation: Hongqiao International Club
Catering: Breakfast Lunch Dinner
D3---- travel
Go to the bund
Visit chenghuang temple and yu garden
Go to new field to feel the chinese and western culture
Visit the land scape along Nanjing road
Accommodation: Hot Spring Garden Hotel
Catering: Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Fengjing----Fengjing was appraised as one of the National ModelTowns of Public Health and one of the Advanced Townships in Building CivilizedTownships in China by the Office of National Patriotic
Visit Grand View Garden
Catering: Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Accommodation: Hot Spring Garden Hotel
Reminder for patients and pregnant women
1. To ensuire the journeysmoothly, tourists should make a necessary physical examination. Please followthe doctor’s advice if you have following situation.
a. Infectious diseases, such asinfective hepatitis, active tuberculosis, typhoid fever and so on.
b. Patients of angiocardiopathy,such as severe hypertension, cardiac functional insufficiency, myocardialanoxia and so on.
c. Cerebrovascular disease, suchas cerebral embolism, cerebral hemorrhage, brain tumor and so on.
d. Respiratory , such asemphysema, cor pulmonale patients and so on.
e. Psychopath, such as epilepsyand any other kinds of mental patients.
f. Patients with severe anemia,such as hemoglobin levels under 50grams/liter.
g. During the recovery periodafter the large and medium-sized surgery.
h. Pregnant women and disabled.
Reminder for elderly tourists
a. Tourist who is 70 years old orolder should sign the health certificate with our company and have a familymember or friend to accompany during the travel.
b. We cannot provide service forthe tourist more than 80 years old.
c. The travel product to Yunnan cannotaccept tourists who are over 65 years old.
d. The travel product to Sichuancannot accept tourists who are over 70 years old.
Reminder for nonage
a. The tourists under 18 years oldshould be accompanied by family members.
b. We cannot accept the touristsunder 18 years old.
Shanghai/tickets and all kinds of taxes
Attractions tickets during the journey in the product
Expenses for meals
Provide the standard room in the hotel
Tour guide service in Shanghai
Personal insurance and accident insurance fee during the journey
Exclusive fee
Fee for passport
Fee for examination
Copyright © 2002-2012 All rights reserved Shanghai HongQiao international travel service Ltd Shanghai ICP certificate B2-20100204 24-hour service hotline, 021-54860691 HotelExt 1 TicketsExt 2 AttractionsExt 3Independent travelExt 4 Car rentalExt 5 Tourist resortExt 6 Customer complaintsExt 7 |